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Markdown Settings

NOTE: Markdown options configured on this screen affect the default conversion of Markdown when used in action templates - which also controls how Markdown is output in previews. These settings do not affect syntax highlighting in the editor.

Table of Contents

  1. Markdown Parsers
    1. MultiMarkdown
    2. GitHub Flavored Markdown

Markdown Parsers

Markdown is plain text markup language that allows easy conversion to other formats, primarily HTML. Drafts ships with support for syntax highlighting of Markdown in its editor - but also ships with two configurable Markdown parsers to convert your Markdown text to HTML for previewing or output in actions and templates.

Markdown has been extended over the years in several ways, and for flexibility, Drafts provides two popular Markdown parsing options, each of which has a number of customizable settings detailed below.

If you are new to Markdown, or only use it casually for simple markup, you will likely not need to alter these settings from the defaults, but for advanced users looking to control their Markdown output in more detail, they may come in handy.

In Drafts settings, you can choose your default parser and configure its available extensions and options. These parsers can also be used via scripting for more advanced configuration options. For details, see the MultiMarkdown and GitHubMarkdown scripting documentation.


MultiMarkdown is a Markdown parser by Fletcher Penney which adds several powerful extensions to the original Markdown specification including tables and footnotes. Drafts includes MultiMarkdown 6. More details about MultiMarkdown syntax and extensions can be found in the user guide.

The following options are available for rendering with MultiMarkdown:

  • Markdown compatibility mode: Treat input as plain Markdown without MultiMarkdown extensions enabled.
  • Smart quotes: Replace straight quotes
  • Escaped link breaks: If enabled, the \ character can be used to force a new line
  • Footnotes: Enable or disable footnote syntax
  • Random footnotes: Use randomized identifier numbers for footnotes
  • No labels: Enable or disable adding of id attributes to headers
  • Process HTML: If enabled, text inside HTML tags will be processed
  • No metadata: Disable special handling of metadata at the top of documents
  • Obfuscate: If enabled, the email address will be obfuscated in HTML output
  • Critic markup: Enable Critic Markup.
  • Critic markup: Accept: Accept Critic Markup changes in the output.
  • Critic markup: Reject: Reject Critic Markup changes in the output.

GitHub Flavored Markdown

Drafts also includes cmark-gfm, the extended version of CommonMark created, maintained, and used by GitHub for all its Markdown parsing.

Drafts includes a Markdown parser based on Discount which supports extensions to the Markdown specification made by GitHub. This is the type of Markdown used in GitHub and includes extensions for strikethrough text, tables. More details are available in GitHub’s documentation.

The following options are available for rendering with GitHub Flavored Markdown:

  • Tables: Enable Markdown tables.
  • Auto links: Convert URLs in the input to links automatically
  • Strikethrough: Enable ~~strikethough~~ syntax.
  • Tag Filters
  • Task lists: Support [ ] style tags (converted to HTML checkboxes)
  • Source POS: Generate source position.
  • Hard breaks: Render soft line breaks as hard breaks.
  • Safe tags: Disable “unsafe” HTML tags
  • Unsafe tags: Allow “unsafe” HTML tags (like script/style)
  • Validate UTF-8: Validate UTF-8 characters prior to rendering
  • Smart Quotes: Replace straight quotes
  • Footnotes: Enable Markdown footnotes

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