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Utility Action Steps

Table of Contents

  1. Create Draft
  2. Insert Text
  3. Define Template Tag
  4. Configure Window

Create Draft

iOS macOS

Create a new draft with the content and options specified. Useful for actions that create new drafts with template content, or specific tags, syntaxes, etc. assigned.



  • Template: Template for content to insert.
  • Location: Should the new draft be in the inbox or archive initially.
  • Flagged: Should the new draft have flagged status.
  • Assign Tags: Optionally, assign tags to the new draft. Provide a comma-separated list for multiple tags (e.g. “blue, green”)
  • Assign Syntax: Optionally, specific the syntax highlighting.
  • Open in Editor: If enabled, the new draft will be opened in the editor. If not, it will be created in the background.

Insert Text

iOS macOS

Insert the output of a template at the current cursor position in the current draft. Can be used to insert any static or generated text.

Insert text is best used only for keyboard row actions which are shortcuts to insert snippets of text. They manipulate the editor only, not the underlying draft - so should not be used in combination with other steps which will rely on the inserted text.



  • Template: Template for content to insert.

Define Template Tag

iOS macOS

Convenience step to create a custom template tag based on a template for use in subsequent steps in the same action. The most common use case for this step is to create a single tag based on multiple template tags to use in an Open URL or Callback URL action step without needing to handle complicated formatting and encoding requirements when editing the URL for those steps.


  • Name: Tag name to use. For example, a name “mytag” will create a template tag [[mytag]] which inserts the results of the template below when used in steps after this one in the same action
  • Template: Template for content of the tag.

Configure Window

Allows for configuration of a number of interface options for the current window. Use to create an action that sets up your Drafts window for particular workflows all at once. Note that not all of these can be used in some combinations on some devices, for example the draft and action list cannot both appear at the same time on iPhone.


  • Draft List: Hide or show the draft list.
  • Action List: Hide or show the action list.
  • Action Bar: Hide or show the action bar](/docs/editor/action-bar).
  • Tag Entry: Hide or show the tag entry and flagging interface at the top of the editor.
  • Load Workspace: Optionally load a specific workspace in the draft list.
  • Load Action Group: Optionally load an action group in the action list.
  • Load Action Bar Group: Optionally load an action group in the action bar.
  • Pin Current Draft: Toggle draft pinning in the editor.
  • Link Mode: Toggle link mode in the editor.

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