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This page has some highlights, but if you want to keep up with the latest Drafts tutorial and tip screencasts, you can also subscribe to us on YouTube.

Table of Contents

  1. General
    1. Drafts Overview (iOS)
    2. Drafts Overview (macOS)
    3. New Features in Drafts 5
    4. Getting Started with Actions
    5. Managing Actions and Action Groups
    6. Creating Your First Action
    7. Using Tags and Workspaces
  2. Workflows
    1. Automating Email NEW!
    2. Creating Lists NEW!
    3. Building a Journal System NEW!
  3. Screencasts and Video Around the Web


Drafts Overview (iOS)

Drafts Overview (macOS)

New Features in Drafts 5

Getting Started with Actions

Managing Actions and Action Groups

Creating Your First Action

Using Tags and Workspaces


Automating Email NEW!

Creating Lists NEW!

Building a Journal System NEW!

Screencasts and Video Around the Web

In addition to our own videos, we’ve found some great Drafts resources around the web as well that you might find helpful:

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Drafts is a registered Trademark of Agile Tortoise, Inc.
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