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System Action Steps

Table of Contents

  1. Share
  2. Clipboard
  3. Mail
  4. Message
  5. Reminder
  6. List in Reminders
  7. Event
  8. Export
  9. Open in…
  10. Print
  11. Speak Text


iOS macOS

Send text to the system share sheet. From there other app share extensions can be selected to receive the text.



  • Template: Template for content of the message.


iOS macOS

Clipboard steps can replace, append or prepend to the system clipboard.

Example Actions


  • Template: Template for content.
  • Write Type
    • replace: Replaces the current content of the clipboard.
    • prepend: Prepends content to the beginning of the system clipboard.
    • append: Append content to the end of the system clipboard.


iOS macOS

Important Mac Note: At this time, due to system limitations, the “Send as HTML” option is not available on Mac.

Send pre-configured email messages either using or web services in the background. There are several ways to send email with Drafts.

Learn more in the Sending Mail with Drafts guide.



  • Recipients: Comma separated list of recipient emails for each of the recipient types. These can be just email address, or “Name " formatted - like "Joe Smith <>, Jane Doe <>".
    • To
    • CC
    • BCC
  • Subject: Template for the subject line.
  • Body: Template for content of the message. If “Send as HTML” is enabled, this template is expected to output valid HTML, otherwise plain text.
  • Send as HTML: If enabled, the mail is sent as formatted HTML email and the body template should output fully formed HTML. The most common use of this option is to run Markdown to HTML conversion to get rich-text mail. In this case the simple template “%%[[body]]%%” can be used.
  • Send in background: If enabled, the mail will be sent using a web service instead of This does not require user interaction, but recipients must be pre-configured and the email will come addressed “From:”. This is best suited for “Email to myself”, or to send to services which provide a dedicated unique incoming email address as a dropbox.


iOS macOS

Send pre-configured iMessages. When called, the Messages window will open pre-addressed to provided recipients, and will text filled in and ready to send. Changes can be made in this window before completing the Message.

Learn more in the Sending Messages with Drafts guide.



  • Recipients: Comma separated list of recipient emails and/or phone numbers. Emails must be valid iMessages addresses.
  • Subject: Template for the subject line. Only used if iMessages subjects are enabled in Messages settings.
  • Body: Template for content of the message.


iOS macOS

Create an individual reminder in the iOS Reminders app.



  • List: Name of the Reminders list to use. If not found, it will be created.
  • Title: Template for title of the task.
  • Note Template: Template for the notes to include.

List in Reminders

iOS macOS

Create or add reminders to a list in the iOS Reminders app, using each line of the draft as a separate reminder. In addition to pre-defining a list name for a List in Reminders step, the step will look at the first line of the text of the draft and if it starts with a “#”, “!” or “@” character, the text on that line will override the “List” value on the step and be used as the list name.



  • List Template: Name of the Reminders list to use. If not found, it will be created.
  • Note Delimiter: Separator to distinguish beginning of notes on the line. Any text after this character on each line will be treated as a note, and text before will be used as the title of the task.
  • Template: Template for the lines to use to create reminder tasks. Default value [[draft]] uses the full content of the current draft.


iOS macOS

Create a calendar event using system event editor.



  • Title: Template for title of the event.
  • Note Template: Template for the notes to include.


iOS macOS

Export files to the Running this action step will open the document browser and allow selection of a destination folder in any available file provider.



  • Name: Template for file name, including extension.
  • Template: Template for the content of the file.

Open in…

iOS macOS

Export files via older iOS document interaction model offering “Open in…” other apps which support import.



  • Name: Template for file name, including extension.
  • Template: Template for the content of the file.


iOS macOS

Print to an AirPrint printer.



  • Template: Template for content of the printout.
  • Format: Text or HTML. Text will print as plain text document. HTML expects the template to output fully formed HTML, which allows Markdown conversion and application of styles and formatting.
  • Margins: Options for the default top, bottom, left and right page margins, specified in points. These default to 72pts (1 inch). Note that when using HTML layouts, the margins define the outer frame. CSS margins and padding applied within that frame may further increase margins.

Speak Text

iOS macOS

Use text-to-speech to read text out loud.



  • Template: Template for content of the text to read.
  • Auto-Start: If enabled, start reading immediately, do not wait for the user to press the play button.
  • Auto-Close: If enabled, close the speech interface and continue when the end of the text is reached.

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